Here, Here
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Given the budget cuts, in middle school, I see an opportunity for for profit clubs to take advantage of this. Any reson why they have not sprouted up more spring/summer travel clubs?

I agree. In most districts MS lax is a waste of time, even for the average player who makes the team, for a variety of reasons stated here. Terrible coaches, mandated play time, poor fields, and awful competition just to restate a few. I think if the top clubs offered practice three times a week and games on the weekends at OBLL and Kingspoint, there would be no need for MS lax. In some cases, I think the same holds true for many HS teams. All the nonsense about these gready premadona HS coaches who bench kids for trying to get better over the summer by playing at a higher level, and not on some mediocore town summer team that they run and profit from. Who needs it? No college coach is going to any HS game unless it's one of the top HS that we all know. For 85 or 90 percent of the kids playing on their HS team it's nothing more than stick time in preparation for the summer. Total waste.
I think they should abolish all MS sports and just have intramurals for those that want it. Every other sport can be played at a higher level outside of school.

That last sentence is without a doubt the dumbest thing I've read on this board.

The rest of it is the second dumbest thing I've ever read on this board.