Originally Posted by Anonymous
Grade should not matter...i know much of the club lacrosse world still goes by it, but birthdate should... Because they are in 6th/7th grade does not solely qualify them for U-13, being born between the US Lacrosse guidelines does. So if we are talking U-13 leave it at that, and not what school grade they are - people unfortunatley can and will manipulate that. I understand this is a 2018 thread - but if US Lacrosse ever gets its act together and enforces the rules they have written...it will be easier for everyone to understand and follow.....

in US lacrosse isn't it U17, U15, U13, U11 and U9? and if that is the case then every tournament and age group would have two years in it and create more mismatches and age problems then we have now. going by grade keeps all these kids that are in one grade playing against each other all year, both club and school. Seems really stupid to me to go by two year age brackets