Pretty amazing how that phenomenon doesn't happen in Maryland or Long Island. Westchester lacrosse is losing ground in a huge way. They all play in a petri dish wrapped in a bubble. Travel gives the kids the experience of integrating and playing with other kids from different styles. Which is exactly what they will have to do in college. The local kids are watered down. Especially on the girls level. Yes, every so often you will get an outlier that performs beyond the local talent. If you want to get better than play with better kids. If their mentality isn't strong enough to know that winning a state championship with their High School is important then there are much bigger issues. Culture is a state of mind not a comfort level. Lets all never leave the nest so everyone can be mediocre and comfortable. Sad !! The only way a Westchester team either boys or girls will win state is if the Long Island bus breaks down on the way to the tournament. We need to do what they do out there. Not fold to parental pressure and simply play the best kids.