Originally Posted by Anonymous
We lost to pt 2024 4 times this summer, very strong team. But, If I had a dollar for every time the coach told his players to pass it to his son , I could retire. That said. We have some similar issues. Every coach is a dad. Does anyone out there love their situaton? 2way? Preds? Any comments.

My two oldest are in college, summer lacrosse for them was much different than it is now. My two younger boys play for Express North and Predators. From my experience, your satisfaction with a program is directly tied to the coaching staff for your sons team. Are they engaged, knowledgeable, do they care about teaching or just cut throat winning? Watch the coaches during games when kids sub on/off the field--do they coaches talk to the kids, coaching them up? Do they coaches provide instruction between games and mingle with the team at tournaments or do they hide? The equation for "great coaching" includes many factors My boys have been fortunate in that their coaches have been wonderful, different personalities, but we know our kids improved greatly, the coaches cared and they established great friendships outside of town ball. Just one other thought. One of the best coaches my third son ever had was the father of a kid on the team, they don't all play Daddy ball.