Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Most people in the F&F click are probably in for $40,000 over their 10 year run. Better be some payout other than having that F'en Bee on everything I own (shirts, jackets, blankets, hats, stickers, magnets etc)

Payout is your kid had 10 great years of teammates, competing, learning how to lead, learning how to work hard etc. There also might be the payout of helping her get into a college she wouldn't otherwise be able to attend. Then there is the potential for some cost reduction (scholarship) on that college tuition.

If she goes to "a college she wouldn't otherwise be able to attend" - assuming you mean academically - you're just setting her up for failure. In over her head to start plus the "job" (time-wise) of lacrosse. Good luck.

I disagree with you saying that " you're setting her up for failure". Lacrosse is a great gateway to get into a college and I am not suggesting the girl has a 75 average and can get into an IVY League School however, they would be able to get into a college that they may not have been able to get into without being a student-athlete. I for one utilized my athletic ability to get into a better school that I know I would not have been accepted by admissions and ending up graduating with over a 3.5 GPA. - So I believe, that is what the previous parent was referring to

Agreed, there's a very finite amount of seats available at the top schools, when 30,000-40,000 kids (who may all be qualified) are applying for 2,000 seats anything that can help drag you across the finish line helps - lax would be one of those things

If your dream is to go to a Yale, Harvard, Stanford or pretty much any top end school, even the kids graduating #1 in their class have some difficulty getting in. If your kid was knocking at the doorstep of one of these schools, wonder how many people would pay someone off 10k to get them in the door. I know many people will throw millions of dollars at alumni funds to ensure their kids get in, and still many of them can't. Now a coach comes along and pulls your kids name out of a hat of 100 other kids just as deserving and walks them in the back door. That is an amazing opportunity opened for your kid. And she can quit the team and just become a regular student if the lax doesn't work out and she is way ahead. Everybody has a different angle on this topic, to each their own.

This applies to just a handful of kids. Again delusional parents for the most part. Talk about the bottom 97% of kids that's more realistic the talk about ivies and full rides is overpowering on here