...You're daughter was born and You became her Parents. Not LaxParents.
...you are just her mom and dad.
You signed her up for a sport(s) so that she would be part of a Team and learn and have a great experience.. she loves it or likes it and has played it. "It" ends. "It" is just part of who she is - and what you are supposed to be focused on - her
WHOLE future. Even if they play in college - It Ends.
We parents get far too obsessed with all of this. Re set your mind and energy. What are you doing with yourselves on this site at all hours, throwing out terrible comments, comparing, bragging..what the heck are you thinking? Ask yourself what you would be thinking about for your daughter, if there was no lacrosse? Then do that. The greatest players are those that guide themselves at this point. Back off and calm down.
If she is playing lacrosse for the wrong reasons that you guide her toward, ("it's going to get you a scholarship.." blah blah) she will naturally quit at some point, cause she doesn't love it....likely looonggg before You are ready. This is just normal. Get a grip. Be good parents who treat her as a teenage girl, not a product. If you're conversation begins and ends with Lax, it shouldn't. Guide her toward her ideal vocation, what is she good at, what does she think she may want to do?... and then a college that supports that passion for Her Life. Everything else is second to that.
Sports Ends. Quickly. Then, guess what, she is Your Daughter again. Not your lax girl. Focus People.