Originally Posted by Anonymous
Your facts about Princeton are incorrect. Doors open and scholarships/grants come in when you can play. 50% is about the norm for family income levels below $200k. If you actually went through the process you would know that.

OK, you let your kid do what he wants so he can experience real life. Enjoy the literal funeral after the drug OD or food prep job. No one said anything about a star but facts are hard to argue when you have none to present. No extra money coming at all. Never mind you don't have the capacity to follow the reality. All the academies have well over 50% of their classes over the normal age group... I'll stop while you look it up. Don't trust what you read on chat board, do your own research.

Academies in general do not have older kids. The sports teams do make use of a PG year at the military prep schools for some of their kids but as the poster above said PG Prep year is just that - a post graduate year after graduating from high school. NOT in 8th grade or high school when kids have not yet hit puberty and are playing against kids 50 pounds lighter and try to say they are so much better for daddy's sake or to get that extra look.