Let's stay home and have everyone come to us on long island and spend $ at our hotels and Resturant's .

When Li express , 91 , fl$ and these Long island select lacrosse teams stop conducting these club as a business , avoiding each other , parent stop the bragging rights of who beating who and act like adults ,maybe we will play each other on Long island ,at LONG ISLAND TOURNAMENT I.E (Long Island lax feast) .Teams this past year came from all over the country to attend ,this is a two day tournament .If all these top Long Island lacrosse lacrosse organizations would enter , more out of state lacrosse teams would come advertise it as the best of the best play on Long Island .

The location is perfect ,hotels in the area support the location , the local area would prosper .

Proposal to both organization
If 91 lacrosse would enter LI Express new tournament , then Long Island Express would enter Long Island lax feast .One hand washes the other . However it's bad business if one loses , it about the kids not the adults , put business aside for the benefit of the players and Long island we could use a boost .

Great to travel to places outside of long island to play non competative teams, deal with hours of traffic and wasted time round trip and spend money in another state then our own state .

We built it , if we advertise it , they will come ,let act like adults .