Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do you also doubt that the St. Anthonys Varsity team urinated on the floor of the flyers locker room after the game? Wake up parents, ALL OF OUR schools everywhere, have kids making bad choices but instead of doubting it , ask your children. As parents this is the time/opportunity to discourage poor behavior before we send them off to college. I for one use all of these horrible college stories to talk to my son, about excessive drinking, drugs, being a good person, friend, making right choices. They are becoming adults and its no longer oh boys will be boys! Its putting as much into our kids being good people, not just good lacrosse players. Why do people think that they don't need to check in with 16/17 year old kids? Talk to them, discuss their friends, try to make sure they are safe and helping others be safe and yes they can still have great times.

Mom get off your soap box. What is this your attempt to pay it forward? Give me a break. And yes, I do doubt the St. Anthony's varsity team urinated on the floor of the Flyers locker room after the game. It was probably before the game.