People are complaining about what they deem "holdbacks", which you are now making worse by calling them "select". The only basis to call someone a "holdback", in a grade-based system, is that they deviate from the public school grade 1-12 curriculum. Private schools are very prevalent in the area, so why are we considering public school kids ok, and private kids not? It's not playing down either way! If anything, just let public school kids subtract one year when they register to head off the year of the painful drivel. I'm not explaining to my 3rd grader why some butthurt parent of one of his teammates keeps calling him a 4th grader! Get the rules changed, or accept it when you pay the bill, and shut up about the kids. And yes, third world.

Only one getting Butthurt is you trying to explain that had to do prefrst.
I can see you bought into the whole prefirst logic spewed out by the school.

Only problem is that it has nothing to do with what we are discussing. You feel your prefirst should get an advantage ( play at one level) another child born on same day doesnt at youth sports. So you think that is ok in youth sports, The majority of people dont feel your prefirst should get an advantage others dont get.. Pretty simple except to butthurt apologists like you! LOL

Practice, coaching, best competition possible. If the biggest thing you have going is argument about a year age gap, good luck with lacrosse!