Very sad the game is like this now. Crabs, FCA, LIE, West Coast Starz, 3D, .....all have some great lacrosse programs. The A teams and B teams ROCK in most cases....Its when there are multiple levels of temas the program gets diluted and the $$ grab starts up. Are there people who hold back, pay to play...cheat......YES....However, There are also soo many clubs that are PURE $$$ GRABS! It has become a BIG FOR PROFIT BUSINESS... PERIOD! It is BAD all the way around and all across the country. People drop more money in 1 month on club lacrosse than an entire college education used to cost a many universities. It has become SAD!

In the end, the cream always rises and the sludge just sinks to the bottom OR Quits. Lots of pretty boy rich kids and azzhat parents in the sport to go around (and in all aspects of life too) .....BUT there are still some INCREDIBLE coaches out there,,,,awesome club teams and good fun to be had. You just need to find them and say the [lacrosse] with all the hype & politics!!

The typical "rich kid" lacrosse tournament type is out there. Many times all you need to do is look at the parents and you will soon see why the spoiled prince is the way he is.....entitled and cocky.......the sport has plenty of them! The good thing is, the real world smacks em down real fast and they end up with nothing living back with mom and dad.

People are losing site of the end game....which is to USE LACROSSE to get a BETTER EDUCATION and go to a better school than you would have otherwise went. While you are there you get to become a better player / forge lifetime friendships that extend WAY beyond the lax field. Do this, and you will have accomplished the original goal.

OK,....nuff said....There are great people Everywhere, just need to weed out the azzhats & find them ....don't take all this " to play stuff" too serious and remember why you are out there in the first place....For me,...its the incredible time I get to spend with my kids. Everything else is BS!
