Originally Posted by Anonymous
Crabs 2023 does not have a single kid in 7th grade. It just isn't true. Don't believe everything you read, find out for yourself. If you take the time to look into all of the club teams you will realize it is the same everywhere. Each club has kids that were held back for whatever reason. Each team has a few teams that are really good and some that are still developing. The Crabs 2023 is a very talented team with a group of talented players from all over Maryland. They practice and work together and it shows. More than half of these kids are still eleven. They are just a good team...that's it...that's all. Try worrying about developing your players and practice more. Try getting a really strong coaching staff dedicated to the development of each and every player. Stop making excuses as to why you think another team is winning and you are not.

That would be a first since Crabs teams are usually just run of the mill until kids start holding back and getting poached from other teams, usually around 8th grade.