Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
In my opinion, I find the biggest problem is not the A teams, it's the 2nd teams for most clubs, Some clubs do a nice job with their 2nd teams. For example, Igloo 2ND teams seem to get the same attention and resources as the A teams. Is so hard to do?

OR if you are going to do a 3rd team, structure it the right way. Train, teach, etc. Lower level tourneys. Charge less. The biggest problem is the skill level. You can't believe how little work gets done at a practice because of lack of basics like catching/throwing. And if programs could get over themselves, get 2 or 3 similar level teams together for a practice with live game action thrown in.

lets take your concept a step further....realistic parents might be able to accept that their kids are in need of better basic fundamental skill training (catching throwing scooping ground balls etc) these programs should offer basic entry novice classes with intra-squad scrimmages to teach basic field awareness and lax IQ.

with these basic skills being taught for a season without the need for expensive travel to sit on the bench; a prospective player can then be better prepared for the entry into higher level team try outs more confidently. else, these kids for the majority, become chronic 2nd and 3rd line players on 2nd and 3rd level club teams.

I feel many parents would appreciate that offer from clubs with vastly reduced fees in order to help their young players get a proper introduction into the sport without the pressures of competing for a spot they just are not prepared for.
