Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have personal experience with Harvard. Those admitted have very high GPAs and very high SATs. They are incredibly bright. On the other hand, the workload is generally not particularly challenging and one can easily skate by and there is very little academic accountability. Don't want to go to class? You do not have to for the most part. And the large classes, like most large universities, are taught by GA's and have multiple choice exams.

This is not Williams nor is it Swarthmore nor Washington and Lee (insert any number of GREAT liberal arts colleges here) and it sure is not a service academy where the demands are around the clock and they will happily give you a C or D or F. You are paying for prestige as an undergrad.

Now, graduate school? That is an entirely different matter.

I have personal experience with Williams and who are you kidding? I skipped classes constantly and did just fine thank you very much.