Well said .. I think this can go for every travel club out there . ALWAYS A GROUP of parents who gather up on the sideline at practices and tournaments to blame another group of players , or bad coaching for the lack of their kids playtime and lost games. Those are the ones who jump ship each year to a different travel organization. They actually make a name for themselves by doing this , instead of the kid making a name for himself by performance. I would say there are more non realistic parents out there claiming there kid should be a starter and never come off the field then actually good players .

Originally Posted by Anonymous
I've been reading such horror stories of how bad these coaches are since my son played for these so called money hungry coaches and each year they have always been propagated by the parents of the kids who just are not as good as their parents had hoped. These same parents then group together to commiserate about how bad the coaches are when in all actuality it is just that the kids are not up to the skill level of the kids on that years particular "A" team. It is much easier on the ego of these parents to transfer the lack of a particular talent onto someone else's lack of effort.

Perhaps these parents should get up off of their collective *sses and see if they could do better. Coach your own kid when he's not on the practice field. If your kid is playing video games instead of getting on the wall or joining other kids in pick up practices or if you are not having a catch with them as often as possible ; then don't expect the coaches to magically conjure up skills and ability for your kids.

stop blaming others for your child's shortcomings