Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Funny I see Cornell on the BL matriculation list for 2016. Which I believe is an Ivy. on St Paul's website they publish college matriculations from 2011-2015 and not one student matriculated to an Ivy. If you actually tae a look at the matriculation list BL has a higher % of students attending selective college's.

Don't bring facts to this discussion. I will not argue that in the past, BL was behind some of the others. There has been a marked change at the school over the last 5 years and that is longer the case.

Looking at the BL matriculations and stripping out the lacrosse knowns, which are published by Boy Band Ty and others, you will see that some lacrosse players have matriculated to Cornell, some other Ivies & some other selective schools. The overbroad point is accurate. Taken as a whole the BL matriculation is abysmal. Stripping out the lacrosse specific placements it is something beyond abysmal. This is a school that literally can't place a non-lacrosse kid to Hopkins across town or any other college of that standard.

In fairness to BL this fact set travels to some other MIAA schools (with some exception like Friends) and to IAC lax factory schools down the road in the DC area. Have a look at the ex-lacrosse matriculation lists for Landon, Bullis, and GPrep. Landon and Bullis are pre-third tier State U and GPrep is a passport to third tier Jesuit colleges sprayed all over the Northeast to Midwest. GPrep and Bullis haven't placed a non-lacrosse kid to an Ivy in years. If a Catholic kid wants to get into Georgetown or Notre Dame he's better off at a public school in Montgomery County than at GPrep if he is a non-lacrosse kid.