Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Will Carol Rose issue an apology to all the opponents they've offended/injured this past summer?

Will you issue an apology for the waste of oxygen that your parents have created?
There is an obvious double standard that you people cant seem to grasp, and is just another reason in a long list why every other club despises you fools. In case you simple minded Yellow Jackets haven't noticed, your club didn't win even half as many tournaments as they did the year before, and just because Carol put every meaningless 1/4 final win and divisional victory on your self indulgent, web site, the truth is it's kind of pitiful. The crowning jewel in your tarnished crown was only able to eek out a tournament victory at Lax by the Sea, not a very competitive endeavor by any means . And considering you have as many teams as you do that list should be at best disappointing and embarrassing. But thats not the best part, what is, is that next year it's going to be worse