Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So don't be fooled. There are kids on the 2022 team that are not what is considered age appropriate. There is at least one player, if not already, turns 14 this spring. There are others in the same boat for turning 13. But does it really matter? Probably not.

Fact: there are ZERO 2022 players that turn 14 this year and only a few that turn 13 before 9/1. Grow up dude and stop making up lies....

So already(by your admission) on a 6th grade team Crabs have several prefirst/holdbacks. That will only get increased as each year goes by. At 7th grade this team will add more holdbacks/prefirst (6-8) and when they are in 8th grade the entire starting lineup and several subs will be prefirst/holdbacks (10-13). That is what many claim the Crabs have now on the current 8th grade team (2020).The current 2220 team has over 10 players playing down.Oops playing within grade base rules ..Dont want to upset the Crabs parents logic or morals. Of course it is fair to have a select group of youth children play down against the majority of children. Makes sense to Crabs logic and parents..just not common sense.