Originally Posted by Anonymous
I don't know Mike C of express personally but thought I would share a funny story and probably validate why so many on this board have shared distasteful comments. A parent I know whose son plays on Express is going to a tournament in Maryland at the Landon school this weekend. Each player is being charged a $120 tournament registration fee even though on the tournament website it states that the cost to register a full team is just $450. So, after the first 4 players, it simply profit for what shouldn't be a revenue producing event. Don't know how many kids on the team but assume 20+ which would mean a $2000 profit into Mike C's pocket for doing nothing except registering his team. Can anyone confirm this because if true, just disgusting. Assume that is the behavior the moderator was referring to. Hard to for Mike C to defend himself or the program if accurate though.

Not involved with this team nor express... but when you have these events the coaches sleep over and that expense gets paid by the team.

Like everything you look at in life, if you just concentrate on the shallows of the situation the water doesn't look that deep. But those who realize there is more to each situation realize nothing is really that shallow and protect themselves from being in over their head.