Originally Posted by Anonymous
I can't figure out the value for these bus tours, (Yes its fun for the girls, they hang out, they get to see some locker rooms and campus's, eat in a dining hall, whatever) but doesn't in a way set most of these kids up for disappointment? these big schools ( and these trips always seem to go to Maryland and Hopkins) might take 10 players a year, (some getting athletic money, some academic, some nothing) why visit a school that will never have interest in you and your parents couldn't afford anyway. just for the experience or for fun? OK.. I think you would get better value using the time to focus on the attainable.
where can you play,
what can I afford,
distance from home/travel,
what course of study are available/kid is interested in.

everything has a value and just because a club offers it doesn't mean its has a value for you or the kid

It's not about the kids, it is about the club program. It is a PR campaign and it also assures that if there is a SS in the group that she has been personally delivered to the partner schools.