Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by M&D 2015 Black
My daughter plays for M&D 2015 Black and the 'incident' was a great topic of discussion at our recent practice. I really do not know what happened and actually could care less. The more Skywalkers you take out the better for us. If you take each other out even better. The best would be if the parents could be taken out as well because the people from Lonk Eyeland are crude assholes that typify why the rest of America hates loud mouth New Yorkers.
What most astonishes me is that you really do not see that the way your girls play the game is like being in a bar room brawl. That fat [lacrosse] that carries around the cooler should be in jail. He is a thug and your girls are thugs as well.
Please don't include the other lax clubs from LI with the YJ's, they are a breed of their own

First off you both should get a life.

Secondly to blatantly call NY'ers loud mouth assholes come out from behind your computer and show who you really are! To say you are glad Skywalkers are being taken out by YJ is such an immature thing to do and I really do feel sorry for your children!! This thread has gotten completely out of control bc people don't know when to grow up and realize accidents happen!! Oh and BTW how many OTHER LI teams, M&D teams won National Draw!! Come to think of it how many other LI teams win ANYTHING get off your soap box and watch the game and maybe then you'll realize your kid probably sucks and that's why you spend all your time on hear bitching about others!!

You call him immature?