Originally Posted by Anonymous
Continuation of

"The coaches of 2015 Blue A TEAM should be held accountable if they are promoting this kind of play. If your daughter is really on that team (big if), please shed some light on whether or not the coaches condone this behavior".

It’s seems they’re other parents on this blog that feel the same. If I shed to much light on this subject, my daughter won’t be allowed to play. This is the age where the team is the team for all clubs, very few changes. The girls have the skills to plays. Unfortunately Pete M went overboard on his tactics. He’s a nice guy but doesn’t see the big picture on the future of the individual girls. He’s all for the moment and that’s Win Win Win. It’s very sad.

First of all, if you are making this stuff up, please stop.

Second, what does that mean, he "went overboard on his tactics"? Yes or no, is he promoting dirty play, in your opinion? Does he say, "knock them down, or hit their hands or slash them? or does he say "be aggressive, don't let them push you around, etc"? BIG DIFFERENCE

When a kid gets a yellow or red on his team for a dirty play, does he laugh and say "nice job" or does he say "let me show you what you did wrong". BIG DIFFERENCE