Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So CR should play to loose and play everyone evenly. Now that's really funny. I did not see Syracuse or northwestern clear their bench in their quest. Why should she?
BOTC thinks that it is a very sad defense and position to compare what is effectively a sixth grade tournament with an NCAA program.

In college, there is a natural cycle of players - every four years if academic progress is managed. This year's freshman bench-rider is a potential senior year starter in the college game. Such is not the case with the club game since the group remains together.

So, you can see that Syracuse and Northwestern build their team concepts around a rotation of players through their programs. That does not happen with the youth club environment which is why team building for a club and team building at the college level are very different exercises.

Here's the real question in our minds : did the team earn a tie or not?

Here's the real answer. NO. Half the team earned the tie, I can tell you the parents were not happy at all with the no sub situation. Can't at all blame them, and to compare this to Northwestern NCAA championship game is ridiculous, you should get your head checked (and NU actually did a lot of subs in that game). In the end, there is no justification for this, even if your the parent of the alpha no sub girl you should be able to see that this is not good for the team. Just CR using the team (or half the team) to fight her personel battle.

Come on TG what's wrong are you upset that your team did not move on? What is this really about. Maybe you should have had a better strategy day 2 if your team was so deserving to move on. Looks like YJ played outstanding defense throughout day 2 to make up for the lightning bolt in a 15 min tie game. So it was all about strategy for which you did not manage properly. All CR kids played all day and enjoyed the tourney and there earned trip to finals. Oh and there group cheer with younger team after lopsided loss was great. Starters were out and coach requested that they play and not pass the ball around and play catch.They did not intentionally run up the score! They even pulled all starters against your younger team. So get off the CR bash crap it's old

I was on the sidelines for this game and this is not a TG sentiment, parents from the YJ team were plenty upset with her management of the game. Glad to hear she made it up to all the kids who didn't get to play in the competitive games. Not bashing, if your happy with your kid watching her team win from the sidelines in the competitive games good for you, some people just want to be a part of a winning team so bad that they are ok with that.

My daughter does not play for either of these teams. but I sat on the sideline watching my daughter play sunday morning and heard a very irrate parent compalining to YJ coaches (2015) about the lack of playing time his daughter received. 3 minutes at the end of the game is what he said. He was compalining about the coach's daughter getting too much playing time and not being one of the top players. There are unhappy parents on every team in every club. so move on.