Interesting....... So, maybe these folks have "mellowed". Possibly they've lived a bit longer, or had to listen the "blabber-mouth" parents, and are just happy to be fieldside for a day, or weekend. Or, could it be that they've seen those "mega-success" kids from yesteryear fall by the wayside? Maybe they are just raised by more "sound" parenting themselves.
I am sorry to preach (not really), but those crazies may not see it until they've been witness to bigger things in life. To spend all of these occasions yelling at officials, bickering with opponents,or claiming to know better than the coaching staff. If it comes to the point that you are considering moving the family, or are asked to leave the sideline by an official, then a "reality check" may be in order. it will probably hurt too badly when the natural athletes surface, and readily do what you've wasted tens of thousands upon training for (and often a marriage, or any peace with the siblings of the Christ child).
Give peace a chance. Watch them with their helmets off, as well.