Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
"Before you get in deeper" makes me laugh. Yes, oh wise one, I think everyone with a pair of eyes and ears is quite aware that the cutoff was set - FOR EVERY TEAM IN THE TOURNEY - at May 1. EVEN PLAYING FIELD, depending on what you choose to do. Last time I checked, they didn't say "Crabs, May 1 - everyone else, Sept 1". 100% fact for you - ALL of the teams had some players with birthdays prior to Sept 1, and none had players born prior to May 1. C2C Dallas had several - see how much that helped them? 30-0 - ouch...

But not every team was on equal grounds as you say ..oh wise one .. You still had to be in the proper grade...And follow this wise one...if you are a age based team with kids starting school at usual start date you dont have holdbacks..GET IT... You need to be a team or from an area that has holdbacks/prefirsts..You cant just add them from other teams in your organazation due to age. They must be in right grade too...GOT THAT ONE wiseone!! Age was an advantage for the teams that could pull holdbacks/prefirsts...Hopefully that is not to hard to follow .

Clearly, I am wiser than you, as you're an absolute fool. The fact that every team was not on equal grounds, if that was the case, since I doubt you were out there checking birth certificates and your son was not out there playing, is no one's problem. You pull what you pull, if anyone actually did, and everyone is on EQUAL GROUND. If I tell you you can start your race with all the others at lap 2 and you're idiotic enough to start at lap 1, sucks for you. Hopefully THAT'S not too hard to follow. You make your own bed, don't be afraid to lie in it. Here's a funny - Charlie, the Crabs' leading scorer, first place in the fastest shot contest, the one the commentators kept talking about? He's a young 7th grader. He's also 6'3", but I guess God helped him cheat by making him big and strong and fast, right? LOL [/quote]

You are the fool who cant follow logic. Dropping date to May 1 was made for one reason. To let more holdbacks/prefirsts in. Who is the king of holdbacks/prefirst. Do you even need an answer.We all know. No other reason. If not why not follow clear USL guidelines, or maybe add in August, maybe July at most. But to go to May 1. Yea right ... This gave an advantage to teams that draw holdbacks as YOU STILL NEEDED TO BE ON GRADE ... Just cause they allowed May 1 doesnt help any programs that dont have the mentality of the Maryland privates and a few others with holdbacks/prefirsts. Crabs probably wanted a Jan 1 deadline or earlier..

I know your brain is fried from the defeat but it is simple logic. And nice try with the child who is huge and proper age. So what?? Kids come in many shapes and sizes who said different??? And the lap thing?? another logic argument that would have landed to a F!

Witty. The only part that you're correct on is that your argument is simple - but it's not logical (go and look up Webster's definition of "logic", I think you're a little confused). So, the Crabs are so influential that they were able to garner a May 1 cutoff? You're a moron. Once again - and try to follow along - the rules were the same for everyone who entered the tourney. That's the logic that is not difficult to follow. I'm just taking a guess here, but I'd gather that your full-time job isn't traveling around the country checking birth certificates for youth lax, so you're just spewing completely uninformed crap now every time you say "holdback/prefirst" with your only backup being "everyone knows" and "I read on this forum" and "everyone says" so by God, it must be true.

The point with the kid who is the proper age is that I'm 100% positive that you'd watch the game, see him next to your little Johhny, and say "no way that kid is 13 - he's got to be a 2018". And you'd be wrong (again). But you helped to prove my point with your statement - "kids come in all shapes and sizes", so how do you know who is a holdback and who is just bigger for their age? Again, you're not checking birth certificates and transcripts. Please don't come unarmed to a battle of wits, quit while you're behind.