Originally Posted by Anonymous
myself as a coach also I've received those same phone calls after championship games as well. it's the last phone call you want to receive. but if a kid.is hiding at the end of the bench and each team has a few then how do you get him on the field. I had a kid in a game some years back, we were up by quite a few in a game and I figured it was time to clear the bench and make sure all the boys get ample playing time when I looked to my right and called his name, you know what he told me? I have a stomach ache. this was a twelve year old not a six year old

i would think that is the exact situation where the parent has to be more of a parent. im sure when that call came you politely told the parent the resaon why the kid didnt play. a coach cant be everything to everyone. i didnt mean to imply that by any of my posts if i did. but, i do feel that there should be a certain level of accountability and responsibility parents and players can expect from coaches and directors at this level of play.