Originally Posted by Anonymous
participation and inclusion....so it is about playing time? see? this parent is selfish the team could go winless but so longs her daughter was the star this parent is happy. give it a rest. and since when is a coach no longer not allowed to raise their voice. that's too much for you as well? wow! the fall of competitive youth and scholastic sports as we know it. listen if u think that coach is being fired.....throw your name in the hat next year for the job. I'm sure your coaching methods are much better. and I'm sure your girls lacrosse experience is top notch as well. you can start your daughter and have them throw the ball to her at the cage and she can shoot

It's not the parents you should be concerned with regarding inclusion it's the policy makers in Albany and your district. Not knowing first hand if any of the allegations are factual I will say the State doesn't care about winning but rightfully cares about nurturing and teaching student/athletes. Building a winning team at the expense of players self esteem and future college opportunities is not something the State Education Dept and your district administrators want to align themselves with. I wish nothing but the best for all parties involved moving forward.