I unfortunatley witnessed my town's B/C team do this (during winter). The team had one sub so the coaches went to the crowd and physically looked/moved over a few boys the proper age (from the same town) only to play older boys some whom were the coaches older sons. The older boys were 1 year older.

The over-looked boys (my son included) were the right age. But were also head and shoulders skill wise than the older boys who were asked.

But it left such an impression on the boys who were the right age.

I was later told that the opposing coaches were told that there were older boys playing who skills were not as sharp playing. I was also told, the opposing coach was actually happy that none of the A players were selected to fill in.

Conflicted here. Why?

Because the RIGHT thing was probably to take the older less skilled boys because of the level of play. But my town's team didnt use those boys as subs, instead started them which led to a victory. WHICH IS SOO WRONG.

If a child was left back, started late, whatever it is okay (as long as the player falls within the grade parameters). But to take a boy you know is not of proper age, especially when it is your son then start and use them more than your own players is inexcusable.