Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by LaxDad129
Hi All...All this discussion about girls making commitments to play lax in college and clubs bragging about commits...
What is the reality in athletic money given? Now we know that "full ride" is not a reality but people will tell you their daughter is. So what is the average amount given to a student playing Lax in College?

For example, My wife tells everyone that my daughter got a full ride, when she actually is receiving 15k in athletic money and 15k in academic/grant money, 7K in need based Financial aid and the remaining 10k money in loans.

Dude....first of all no one should ever discuss the amount of money they are getting. It's rude and frankly ridiculous. Second it's no one else's business. Third the coach does not want you telling anyone that info. And lastly there is no average scholarship amount as it is as different as each player.
P.s. Full athletic scholarships do exist.
Just not in woman's lacrosse

Agreed!! The high scholarship amounts may go to an extremely academically and athletically gifted girl going to a school that is not as presigious as she is deserving of. Sometimes it comes down to money. Go to a mediocre school with a nearly full ride, or go to Duke with a 25% tuition. BIGGGG financial diference! Trade off, we all do it!

No Way, a sane response, can't be.

Sane? How about sour grapes....and stop commenting on your own posts wink