It's very simple, Colorado didn't travel and spend tons of cash to lose, did they cheat, most likely, can anyone do anything about it, NO. This is going to continue for the rest of our children's youth lax careers until they reach High school and then the playing field is somewhat leveled. USA Lacrosse as a governing body has failed our kids, they have allowed premier clubs across the nation to gain the upper hand. It is too late for age verification. Until Rosters are certified and roster checks are performed pregame by referees (like soccer) there will always be cheating. It's unavoidable, as most coaches and parents can't help themselves. So for now, just accept the fact teams will cheat and hope that it helps your child get better playing against kids 1-2 years older. Best of luck next weekend, predicting an NLF Final as a battle for the ages, 91 Colorado vs Lax Black.