Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Sounds like a situation to stay away from, not unusual for 91 - they seem to be collecting checks with expanded rosters all ages instead of fielding quality teams

A few clubs are guilty of this, unfortunately. Obviously priority and focus tends to go to the first team. It doesn't stop some of these businesses from forming a second or even a third team. The Rebels Rockets must have been a trial run in the fall. Sounds like they folded. Express should be embarrassed by their third team. The poor kids probably couldn't match up with most PAL teams. That's a greedy money grab.

All true but it’s the parents fault. If they are willing to pony up 3-4k so they can say their son plays for “express” is it really the clubs fault ? What the rebels did with the rockets was wrong. They never had enough kids to field a full team. They should have cancelled it. But instead they collected 3k plus from 13 kids. And then put them all on other teams (riot, 2032 teams) once they realized they wouldn’t have enough kids. Now they got their 40k in tuition and plenty of unhappy people on the other teams those kids got moved too