Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Take a look at the division Madlax placed themselves in at Club Nationals. Complete cupcakes. Guess u need to win some games to try to attract players from the Fall meltdown where 11 of 19 players left for greener pastures.
11 of 19? All to NL?
9 went to DC Express, 2 went to NL
Ouch!Is this a bit of a false headline though in that Madlax runs their season from Jan-Jan so did these kids leave or did they get cut? Also have seen this repeatedly in DMV, come 9th grade the clubs realign around HS teams. ML- Landon, DCE- Bullis, NL- St Johns, Crabs- Calvert Hall, etc. Is that what happened here as well?
Not in this case. Most of the best players left Madlax and went to DC Express. Two other good players went to NL. DC Express doesn’t start till 8th grade, so there’s always some attrition— but this was a coup. DCE is still putting the pieces together, they had 10-11 kids from a mediocre BLC team to work with, but they are already pretty decent. Beat Next Level and 3D Georgia in the fall. Should be very good come summer 2024. Madlax flying in kids from all over the country to try to compete in 2028. Will be a real struggle. Cabell just couldn’t get out of the way, he’s a narcissistic maniac.
Ah now we start seeing the truth with your narrative woven in.
DCE is a new team this year so they recruited hard and severak kids would have had their eye on moving as soon as they could. How is that a coup? How many are on scholarship?
Who is coach of DCE and what HS is he at? What HS are the kids moving from? Who were the core 4 that the others followed because they didn't want to be left holding the bag?
Do you consider yourself one of the mediocre BLC kids that is exited to have new talent come in and push you to the bench, one of the kids that followed the others as filler or got cut by Cab and youre grinding that axe on a message board.

Wrong Forum
DCE did not recruit. The kids left en masse, as a group. It was a coup. Plain and simple.
Coaches are Ray Megill, Bobby Horsey, and CJ Carpenter. Megill owns DCE, played at Maryland and professionally. As did Horsey. Carpenter played at Duke. They’ll be fine.
Cabell lost badly at 2028 as he also did most recently at 2024 and 2026. Cabell has literally never cut a kid from the 2028 team. Not once. He’ll take any player and his parents’ money.
What do you mean he lost at 24? Im pretty sure he never lost a game, a tournament or anything on the field to the teams those kids left for. He reloaded when they left then beat them every time they played but dont ever let facts get in the way of your agenda.
You’re kidding me, right? He lost their best 4-5 players, including the top ranked 2024 player in the nation, Ryan Duenkel. And they left because Cabell was the coach. No other reason. Zippo. Most went to Next Level, who is ranked 9th in the nation. Madlax? 36th. They were top 2-3 before he ran those kids off in order to keep his two sons on the field.