Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
70% of 2025 committed players come from NLF teams.

Blatant and unverifiable lie

Posted on their insta with the math broken down by school. So it’s verified

Listen it is hard to make a NLF team.No shame if you are not on one. But the results of being on NLF are there. Just look at 2025 commits. 70% of the commits so far are from NLF.Good luck to everyone.

Is it hard to make an NLF team? Seems to me you just have to pay for it. There are plenty of not very good kids on NLF rosters.

Just because you issue "NLF rankings " then say that 70 % of your list make it to top schools doesny make it a verifiable list . It makes it an owned and operated by NLF list . So relax matt . There are plenty of kids from other programs going to top D1 schools they just don't post about it like you do ..find a real job