Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Want to you mean by perception?
Consider the following quote from this Washington Post article.

"...In October, U.S. Lacrosse, the national governing body for the men’s and women’s game, released a strongly worded statement decrying the current recruiting climate. Stenersen said in a phone interview that the process undermines the youth sport culture and also threatens its rapid growth. He worries that raising the stakes in the club system could deny opportunities to “expand entry to the game beyond the stereotypical rich, white child.”

The Washington Post is a liberal, socialist, rag... Why is there so much fuss about race? Let the kids who like the sport excel at the sport regardless of ethnicity. Where is the outrage from the Washington Post about the NBA or NFL??? These sports teams are overwhelmingly dominated by one race. Not one journalist has an issue with that.

That domination that you speak of is in relation to players.

Okay...80% of the NBA is black.....

And 68% of the NFL is Black too.....

But???? What is the percentage of Black ownership in both leagues? <1% in both. So...what is your beef? You have complaints about high paid employees....most of whom will be either dead or broke prior to age 50....possibly dying broke as well.

That is why the Washington Post has no outcry.

I know this may not have a place here(my apologies Sage) but....most minorities do not seek a handout. I don't and never did or will. Many of us just want to live life as you do; carefree and no worries of "is today the day that I get pulled over and the stuff hits the fan?" Or my wife can go into Macy's and not be tailed by loss prevention and have 10 sales associates ruin her day by asking for help.

Fine....I get it....just be honest about who you are and when called on your subtle bigotry; own up to it.

Why are facts subtle bigotry? You Sir, are the bigot. To infer that somehow members of one race are keeping members of another from owning a team is pure racism! There are plenty of uber rich non-white people in this country that can afford to own a team. Name one minority that has been prevented from buying an NLF or NBA team? You can't. Further, I for one am all for a free market. I hope athletes get as much money for their work as they can. If they squander that money and end up broke, that's a personal responsibilty issue. You see in business, there is only one color, its green. Unfortunately, for racists and race baters like you, it's all about the color of ones skin.

Moving of the goal posts is what I see. Reggie Fowler was prevented from being the majority owner of the Minnesota Vikings.
If having an opinion against the racial practices that were common in the history the nation....makes me a bigot....so be it.

Everyone's a victim.... Try moving forward for once. You just proved my point. You look at everything and anything through the prism of race. In your world, when something, anything, doesnt go a non-white persons way, it's racism or a racist work. Amazing.