Originally Posted by Anonymous
From some nice chats with parents on the field, that team seems to be a mish mosh of girls from travel clubs but all live predominantly in Rvhead. Different girls seems to make up the team as we have seen them at a few things. Not sure how organized they are or if they just stack the roster for tourneys. Either way, all were very nice and positive and girls made a strong showing. Who knew East End would give give us a run?

Know the team, they are just playing off season tournaments to fill in the voids. They are mostly players from etablished clubs, committed to those clubs for the "real" summer tournaments. These tournaments locally and off season are just a opportunity for these kids to get in extra playing time. I don't think it is this team's intention to break the kids away from their summer club teams. And of course the could give any travel club team a run, as they are some of the better kids from the LI travel teams to begin with.