Empire: Had between 30-35 kids at each of the 2 TO's for 2026. Apparently they had another 15 or so 2027 as well. Originally we were told that they would have a straight 2026 and a blended 2026/2027 with the 2026 kids that didn't make the cut playing with the blended squad. Found out tonight that idea was scrapped and they would have a "K-3 Futures" squad for the 2026 kids that didn't make the cut and any other younger kids. all told, 24 made the roster for 2026.

Mamas Boyz: Had about 30+ or so each of the 2 TO's fro both 2025 & 2026 (no idea how many were of which, but assuming its a fairly even split). Not sure what the plan is there, but rumors were that they would keep the grades together and field an "A" and "B" squad of blended 2025/2026. Last TO was tonight (8/29) so should find out next week.