I'm amazed at the rhetoric going back and forth. These are children ages 13 and under! Here's the deal. Not everyone is going to a D1 school. Many kids don't have the size, talent or grades. There's nothing wrong with a D2 or D3 school. In addition, there IS a school out there for every type of player. Coaches look for different things. Being on 91 or Express is NOT the only criteria. In the end - PARENTS! - the child who will excel will be athletic, be a team player and have good grades. Very simple. Last question. Is playing on a D1 school your child's aspiration or is it yours?

And finally, for those parents who will read this and say "Oh, your child must suck!" Not So! My child is an exceptional player who will find a school he will be happy at. Stop attacking each other and let the kids play competitively but enjoy the game as well.