Originally Posted by Anonymous
B team in middle school, A team in high school.. B players get better by playing while your A player rides the bench.. All evens out in high school when your A player still rides the bench.

I do agree with this philosophy but you need to put the work in. Just simply playing a lot on a B level will not get you there. Just as playing garbage time on an A level will get you there.

You need to put the work in, go to the wall, go to the clinics, go to the camps. If you having replaced your net or cage havnt done some damage to your fence or neighbors window then are you doing what it takes. Yes expensive but if your player is having fun wouldn't you spend the money elsewhere. Now if your player isn't into it that is okay too.

just remember life is full of lessons and you get out what you put in. [/quote]

Meant just playing garbage time on A will not get you there