Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Good to hear from the us club lax dude who’s in bed with all the low integrity money machines out there.

Thanks for clarifying, now stop calling them rankings and letting kids have a false sense of reality based on your social media hype train.

If they aren’t rankings then promote whah they are instead of the false narrative. But you won’t because again, you’re in bed with the nationals and the true’s of the world.

What word would you prefer they use instead of "ranking"? It's a simple formula to give people a general idea where the teams stand relative to each other. This is useful for teams when selecting tournaments, tournaments when seeding teams, and parents when looking for a different opportunity for their kid. Nobody should get too worked up about it.

Dude. Something isn’t right when teams who haven’t played in months jump teams who have and are winning. The system rewards playing lower level teams and running up the score.

Nations best shouldn’t move up over hawks after losing to nationals by 8 considering hawks beat nationals.

Jm3 shouldn’t jump over next level who had a great spring, beat hawks once and lost to hawks.

National teams will dominate the rankings even if they haven’t beaten anyone who is relevant. All Because they ply each other and one of them played a good regional team…so even losing to that regional team gives them a better ranking.

Not to mention there are kids playing for 2 or even three national teams (there are several nationals kids who also ply for nations best, and Jm3).

This means that on any given weekend you might see a top ten team, or a stripped down guest player team.

But they know how to work the system.

You ask why people get worked up? Because children see these things and don’t get it. They are children. But their parents and coaches are left trying to explain how a team who lost to their team twice in a month still gets to be ranked above them. And brag about it. They are kidddsss

Get a clue. Make it real or get rid of it.

I believe the ranking system is the same as the NCAA so it is hard to game the system by beating lower ranked teams; it in fact actually hurts them to have a weak schedule as this ranking system does take into account the strength of schedule