Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Did the 91 dad fall while climbing the bleachers? Really, what could he have done to overshadow the 2 win squad on the field? Please share to continue his embarrassment.

91 Pole goes up high around the neck with a hold. 30 second releasable penalty not done with intent. 91 Dad, who is not the player's father, starts screaming how soft 91 is and how the penalty is okay with him. NL dads turn around and look in his direction and 91 dad, remember not even the player's father, goes even more haywire challenging the NL dads to a fight. He is now out of his mind. Ref comes over, gives a warning and the 91 Dad as other 91 parents start moving away. Btw, this was a 14-5 game at this point with time running out.

Pretty accurate, but don't forget the context is that this Dad was "coaching" the 91 team from the stands the whole game, at the top of his lungs, and his coaching was 100% negative and about 75% wrong. Even among lacrosse parents, who generally are not a chill crowd, this guy stood out to the point of being comical. But it turned ugly on the hold penalty when he started challenging all the Next Level parents to come fight him. And, I don't think that he was calling the 91 player soft, but rather he was calling the Next Level players (who were up by 8-10 goals) soft, saying that they needed to be checked harder and more aggressively, which is a not so subtle call for the 91 kids to play dirty. And sadly, it is easy to tell who is his son; the poor kid has to be mortified.