Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Club scene is slowly crumbling, it was a matter of time. Too many clubs and not enough players. Look what is going on..Sad that youth sports has come to this.

10 years ago, talent was as good with two/three elite clubs, Now everyone is elite,

the problem isn’t the clubs. The tourney directors who make the rules and set divisions are the problem.

The tournaments and leagues INSIST on 8 teams in the elite division. (There should only be 7 this year) or 4 teams for an “elite” tournament grouping. Most times there aren’t 4 elite teams in a tourney. But they group them that way to ensure 3 games.

It’s the tourney admins and the league directors who are messing it up.

7 of the 8 teams in Hoco Elite this year will give each other games. But the league added an 8th. That team has lost almost every game 15-0. Again, not the club’s fault. Who put that team in the division? The league director.

Otherwise the league has 7 competitive teams. Heck, this weekend, True Chesapeake had FCA down by 3 late and 91 had the Crabs on the ropes all game.

Again, it’s not clubs who are messing up lax, it’s the tourney directors and leagues. Between level of play and age groupings THEY are the ones ruining lacrosse. Not the clubs required to play by those rules.

You realize that many of the big tournaments are run by clubs right?

This logic has a rather large hole in it.