Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I predict Express takes home the WSYL next year and 91 gets knocked out in a semi-final without making it to the ship. All other LI teams lose in pool play.

Express and Express North are the top teams right now, obviously. And the gap is fairly comfortable. But it's impossible to predict because 91 or Igloo or rebels, etc.. could, and very likely will, add 5-6 new players next year. They may be enough to change the landscape of the division. Unless Express does the same.

Everything will change for the WSYL next year. Almost no team will go with their regular roster. Completely separate WSYL try-outs. Clubs false create WSYL-only teams just for this tourney. They use all of the Fall babies from their older team, which this year would mean their '23 team, and next year it will be the '24's. They'll also grab kids (again usually Fall babies, ie younger holdbacks) from teams that aren't going, if they think they can help them. This practice was started and perfected by the Express organization. Now, almost every team does this, to one degree or another. They are all pick-up teams, so they really aren't "teams" at all. As far as I know, there is only one '24 team that is not doing this, meaning they are playing with the same team all year long, from Fall through the summer and the WSYL, and that's 91 Wolfpack. But that is literally the only team doing this. Coincidentally, they are the favorite to win this year. So when you think of "teams" that are going to compete for the WSYL next year, they are not teams as you know them today. They are pickup teams.

Actually,the first year, 2020 teams, was won by Crush. They played together forever. Then Legacy exploited the age loophole and won with their kids ‘20-‘21 team. Express did the same the next year and won with their ‘21-‘22 team. Last year, most teams took older kids except for the Bandit, who one with their normal team. With that being said, their are no teams from ‘24 down that are close to as dominant as Crush or Bandits. If teams want a real shot at winning, they will need to bring in the fall birthdays. I don’t know of any LI club that holds separate tryouts, though. Not yet. They do that in NJ and PA.

Completely false about Express.

100% accurate about Express. Last year there were 22's and 23's. This year will be 23's and 24's. Next year there will be 24's and 25's. However, all teams are going to do that, 91 included. As a matter of fact, 91 did that with their team 2 years ago. They were mix of 22's and 21's. It's not a bad thing if that tournament is the most important one of your team's season. The issue comes into play when those teams are playing their older kids in spring and summer tourneys and are pretending that they're not grade based. That's flat out cheating and it's going to happen. 100%.