Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Geese shed all the headaches. The ones on here posting garbage are texting the coach in between trying to get back in and blaming the other mixed nuts. And if you were lucky enough to get a few of the prizes it was only because they scholarshipped them after the others said no.

What are you talking about??
I dont doubt the ones on here bashing Legacy are the ones who left mid year last season. Which is shameful that they abandoned their team midseason and 91 should be ashamed for taking them mid season.
However, there are clearly issues at legacy that led to this . So you cant blame any players who left after the season was over. Thats on Legacy.

And I doubt highly that 91 is giving scholarships to these kids. For 91 this is a business and about making money. None of these kids are irreplaceable.

Plus kids left and went to other teams as well.

So stop pretending only 1 attack left and original defense is all there.
I truly hope Legacy rebuilds itself. But it wont happen by ignoring the obvious. And it wont happen if the money paid by parents is not used to adequately staff these teams.

Again, entire attack..:.gone, two starting defensemen.....gone, three starting middies....gone, starting fogo......gone. Plus a handful of other that are somewhere making other teams solid. Funny how it takes an organization to completely lose an entire team to realize cancers existed. You make excuses time and time again and spread lies when everyone knows the truth. The promise of green was way more important than winning and when you take the most talented kids and a daddy that thinks he played in the mll but is nothing but a high school soccer player they lose. They lose and lose and lose. Because no one believed in each other and everyone was looking over their shoulders. There’s one ball! As soon as you have a coach that teaches there’s one ball and everyone has to touch it, you may start winning again.

Let me clarify my prior statement. The parents who left the Geese mid season were defenitely a major part of the problem. They were loud, overbearing parents who wanted constant playing time for their kids at the expense of others, and tried to control the team. The mistake of Legacy initially was placating to these parents. They should have been firm with them from the beginning. And a major mistake was losing their original assistant coach. It was that coaches combination with Fiore that really brought the kids on the team to such a high level of playing prior.

But after those mistakes had been made, and when the toxic patents were gone, Legacy defenitely should have been hiring more coaches to help Fiore. They need to put money back into the team. It needs a head coach, defensive coach, and asst coach at a minimum. Thats what other teams are doing. And they must be qualified coaches. And I agree Legacy should have coach bios on website.