Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
There is something really wrong when adult men pick on little girls....

I hear that the adult men all picked on her, punched her and forced her father to have her abandon the team in the middle of the season. Then the kids of these same monsters forced her to freeze on clears and get overpowered on high shots. Then they forced her dad to sign her up to try out for an older 91 team she couldn’t make. Even worse, the kids were found biting her face after she gave up goals and not sharing their Gatorade with her when she wasn’t playing well.

That’s the truth. It’s a sin what happened and I saw it!!! If I hadn’t stopped it
I think she would have ended up in the hospital!!! I think she had to leave the team for her own safety. Thank the lord her parents saw what was happening and got her out of that evil environment..

You know what? That is enough. That girl did not abandon the team mid season, and she was a fantastic goalie the entire time. Anyone who played lacrosse on any team knew who she was and how skilled she was and saw her playing at the tournaments.

You are really embarassing your whole 91 2025AA team lashing out at a young kid and her parents.

Its ridiculous that your coaches have not had the common sense to put parents of your team on notice to stop this horrendous behavior.
Or maybe they have and you are just a complete stunad.
Either way, its absolutely disgusting.
You should be truly ashamed of yourself that you just wrote that.

You call yourself a top team. But you dont behave like one at all with the way you have attacked not only people on this forum with your posts, but also current and former teammates and their parents.

Of course, I am sure its just a group of you doing this, and not the whole team. However, then the rest have to stand up and put a stop to the ones on their team behaving like this. Because its a reflection on the whole team.

I hope your coaches start to take this seriously, which they really need to, and root out who you are and remove you from their team.
Coaches are not fools. They can figure out.

I agree, break all of their fingers so they can't post no mo! I hear the coaching staff is already tracking down these villains and will be yanking their children from the squad. Good luck to all of the kids who left the bad environment at 91, I'll bet ya that it will not be the last stop for any of you.