Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
all about name recognition, which club you play for, which high school you go too, and who you know in the lax world.

Interesting take considering the teams aren't chosen yet. What are you basing this on? The fact that your daughter wasn't one of the 45 chosen for the callback game tomorrow?

It's going to be tough for 22's to make the team this year. There are a lot of very talented 2021 players in the area that spent the spring playing varsity lacrosse in the IAAM and for other good public schools. They will always keep 2-3 8th graders. Otherwise 8th grade parents would stop paying the $140 tryout fee that subsidizes the 22 girls that make the team and enable them to play for free.

A lot of those 21’s didn’t get called back last night. A lot of ‘22’s did.