Just for fun or to prove your point, look up the ages of Rambo, Pons and Colin Heacock. Three of the best to ever come through College Park including the Tewaaraton winner. I will save you some time. All of them turned 20 way before your typical college student. No prep school just good ole fashion hold backs.
Holding back works at youth, high school and college levels. Look at the kids at Navy who are 21 year old freshman. They are pre-first, held back, prepped then on to Annapolis. Service academies are the biggest benefactors of hold backs.
By the time they are a pro, time catches up but by then who cares. They have the awards and degree from a university.
You may see it as unfair or not right but it is not a violation of the rules (which don't really exist).
If a parent wants to hold their kid back then that is the way it is. I'm going to hold back all four (2 already) of my boys because it works. When your kid is fighting for that D2 look my kid will have a 50% scholarship to Penn or Princeton.
"You are living through your kids" damn right.