Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
well let me know what his high school coach has to say about that. The problem is the helicopter parents are always jumping in making excuses for their children...how about you tell your kid to hit the wall, hit the weight room, train to get faster etc...then you wont need to jump to their rescue, they will stand out on their own regardless of the age gap. Its all about getting better and being able to take the next step whether its high school or college....And keep in mind they may wind up working for someone who is older or younger then they are....you going to tell their boss that he was a hold back....

No one is talking about High School coaches and you know it. We are talking about YOUTH lacrosse.
What a bunch of strawmen you got in just one long paragraph..
High School Coach,Helicopter parents, Older Boss, LOL!!.....

All in the name of giving your select heldback children a advantage others do not get at same age. Since it is hit the wall,weight room,etc for these kids that are ON AGE according to you....why doesnt that same advice go to you holdbacks and your children?? Are the holdbacks not tough enough to go on age or heaven forbid..play up!! I guess you go by the motta..Do as I say..Not as I DO!! Hilarious what you holdback apologists come up with as excuses and advice to parents who actually go by the proper age in YOUTH Lacrosse..

Funny how their answer to everyone else is always "work harder", they of course have chosen a different path...
