15 shots on goal for each team. 4 went in for Taz, 3 went in for the Wolfpack. If either team is arguing about this game and the outcome you really need to go back to the drawing board. Both teams are real good but today played like mediocre teams and one team got the extra goal for the win. What you should be more concerned about is nine-year-olds watching a grown man get thrown off the field for Bad mouthing the ref. What you all should be focusing on is the fact that these kids are playing at a high-level of lacrosse against each other and that's making each of them a better player individually. I have two that I've gone through the system and one that is still in it and for all of you that don't think that these teams will change over the next 4 to 5 years is crazy. Enjoy it while it's happening and make sure these kids are respecting each other and shaking hands at the end of every game. That's what this is all about don't forget that. The moms/dads that throw mud at each other on this thread should be ashamed of themselves and realize that you are not the ones that are on the field the boys are. By reading these threads it seems that it's the parents that are padding up and not the kids. Wake up it's youth sports, take some pictures throw some smiles at your kid and his friends and make sure you tell them that they all did a great job because there aren't many kids at this age that get up real early on a Saturday morning and play a sport like this. I'm sure going forward there will be awesome battles between these two teams as well as others, look forward to that. Great job by all