Originally Posted by Anonymous
My family and I all went to Hofstra last night for a day of family bonding. My children agreed to trade in their 20 minute screen time allotment per day to see some high school lacrosse action. After my youngest finished his wall ball session (now that PAL is over, they need the reps), we headed off to the stadium. The game was exciting and I captured some great videos which I uploaded to my Instagram account. Hopefully the algorithm won't stray from it's current pattern of lacrosse highlights and instructionals; I think my middle son is ready to attempt the Rusty Gate in his next club game, but I digress. I was factchecking some research about lacrosse scholarships and was reading how that there really isn't any money for athletes for college lacrosse, when the lewd gesture by the Massapequa player took the place. The incident was so bad my family and I are now in counseling. Our first session is later today. Hopefully, it won't make us late for my oldest son's tour of St. Anthony's later in the day, as he will be an incoming freshman next year. We don't usually go to public school games and probably won't after this disgusting display. Sad!
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My family and I all went to Hofstra last night for a day of family bonding. My children agreed to trade in their 20 minute screen time allotment per day to see some high school lacrosse action. After my youngest finished his wall ball session (now that PAL is over, they need the reps), we headed off to the stadium. The game was exciting and I captured some great videos which I uploaded to my Instagram account. Hopefully the algorithm won't stray from it's current pattern of lacrosse highlights and instructionals; I think my middle son is ready to attempt the Rusty Gate in his next club game, but I digress. I was factchecking some research about lacrosse scholarships and was reading how that there really isn't any money for athletes for college lacrosse, when the lewd gesture by the Massapequa player took the place. The incident was so bad my family and I are now in counseling. Our first session is later today. Hopefully, it won't make us late for my oldest son's tour of St. Anthony's later in the day, as he will be an incoming freshman next year. We don't usually go to public school games and probably won't after this disgusting display. Sad!

This long winded post has to be a joke correct. The truth of the matter is what happened after game ended wasn’t a great look because it was caught on tape. But if you think every high school team public and private don’t say and do the same thing than you are ignorant too.

This incident was a silly act by great kids. I’ve witnessed on lacrosse fields football fields and baseball fields all schools doing and saying very similar things.

When playing St Anthony’s in winter league their so called good catholic school kids used words and said things to kids on opposing teams that should have their scholarships pulled based on your assessment. But you know what no one cares after the game was over because certain towns have thicker skin than others.

So don’t think by sending your kid to st Anthony’s you are going to be holier then any public school kid because more bad stuff goes on there then most public schools. Ask anyone with a clue.

At the end of the day there are kids who sometimes get caught up in emotions of the game. If no one was physically harmed then get over it and move on you woke liberal fool.