Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Regarding the Express rumor….”top kid going to Rebels to play with brother” is 100% false…yes a kid left for Rebels but he never saw the field on Chucks which is why he left-good move. Regarding top players going to Venom-1 good defender but Chucks replaced with an even better pole so no loss….the two attackers that went to venom were averaging 0-1 goals PER TOURNAMENT so no loss there either. Chucks picked up 2 Venom players and a few Lumberjacks so it will be interesting to see a Chucks/Venom match up this fall after all the dust settles.

Chucks picked up 2 PIA/obnoxious parents so will see if that changes the dynamic of the team at all!

Venom picked up 3 TOP players from the chucks. You can’t deny that or you are proving yourself to be foolish.
Chucks got a great pole from rebels but venom got a better pole from rebels.
Venom didn’t lose any TOP players.
Chucks didn’t get any TOP players from lumberjax.
Venom seems loaded. Chucks took a hit, even losing a real good Faceoff kid. Time will tell!

So Rebels had 2 of the best poles around? Wow. I am guessing this (Venom) parent knows an awful lot about all these kids. Makes you wonder who is behind this all knowing post??? Even knows a LITTLE bit about Lumberjax....mmmm. Perhaps from a once proud lacrosse town that has really just become mediocre at best. No bs.
The Pole that went to Venom came off the bench. So I call bs. The pole that went to Express was best pole on Rebels.

Come on Man. Rebels bench defender moves to Venom? The parent with all the information obviously a 91 parent. If we believe all this then Venom improved big time and Express, Legacy and Rebels all took big hits.

The Fact they wrote "Venom got a better pole from rebels" tells you all you need to know about this parent.